HR Data Load Options (Cloud)


Compatible Version(s)

  • AC v4.12 onwards
  • Option 3 available from AC v4.45 onwards

Enterprise Human Resource (HR) systems store and maintain critical information about personnel working for the organization. These systems are updated daily as people join, change positions, leave, return, etc., resulting in a very large number of key data elements that must be accurately collected and tracked. The way data is stored in an enterprises HR system depends largely on both the system being used and the way it’s been configured.


1. Standard HR Data Load Option [Most Popular]

Customer's IT Personnel is responsible for extracting data and loading into a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file. They must schedule an automated FTP job to transfer the CSV file to our Azure Secured FTP Server. A robotic process automation job will extract the data from the CSV file and transform it for loading the data into Access Commander. The process performs data quality checks and rejects records that do not meet those criteria. It maintains minimum control totals and minimum meta data relevant for troubleshooting purposes. You can define custom rules for ignoring certain data points during Insert and/or Update. You can request for custom computed fields based termination date and/or status. It has a friendly user interface to provide you a summary of records inserted, updated, rejected and failed.

Note: An Audit Trail is maintained with each record inserted/updated.

2. Enterprise HR Data Load and Approval Option

Customer's IT Personnel is responsible for extracting data and loading into a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file. They must schedule an automated FTP job to transfer the CSV file to our Azure Secured FTP Server. A robotic process automation job will extract the data from the CSV file and transform it for loading the data into Access Commander. The process performs data quality checks and rejects records that do not meet those criteria. The process flags records requiring approval based on data elements listed below. It maintains minimum control totals and minimum meta data relevant for troubleshooting purposes. You can define custom rules for ignoring certain data points during Insert and/or Update. You can request for custom computed fields based termination date and/or status. It has a friendly user interface to provide you a summary of records inserted, updated, rejected and failed.

User(s) with permissions also have the ability to approve a change to an Employee record based on data elements listed below:

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Suffix
  • Facility Code
  • Status
  • Type
  • Employee ID
  • Gender
  • Citizenship
  • Date of Birth
  • Business Unit
  • Location

Note: An Audit Trail is maintained with each record inserted/updated.

3. Manual HR Data Load Option [Least Popular]

Access Commander System Administrator (End User) uses a spreadsheet (.csv file format) to upload data into Access Commander's HR Data Load Administration Page. The spreadsheet format is provided by MathCraft and is not customizable/configurable to work with your requirements. Formatting of columns must be precise. You may choose the Standard (non-Approval) or the Approval option for the User Interface. This would replace your DBA/IT Personnel automating data load in the database to you uploading a file all while taking advantage of the same business rules and logic of the HR Data Load ETL process.

Note: An Audit Trail is maintained with each record inserted/updated.

Manual HR Data Load Option [Least Popular] -- No Support Provided

Existing Customers already using this option, this will be disabled and turned off on June 30, 2023.

Access Commander System Administrator (End User) uses a spreadsheet (.xlsx file format)  to upload data into Access Commander. The spreadsheet format is provided by MathCraft and is not customizable/configurable to work with your requirements. Formatting of columns must be precise. No custom rules/requests can be defined. This is a COTS approach and available upon request to any customer.

Note: An Audit Trail is maintained with each record inserted/updated.

Note: If there are any issue(s)/defect(s) with the upload capability, it will be addressed within the next 1 or 2 release cycles and will not be treated as a show-stopper issue for immediate release.

4. API based HR Data Load Option [Advanced Technical Solution]

Available upon request, the Customer is entirely responsible for this option. Customer is provided with the API Documentation. They will be responsible for calling Access Commander API for the HR Data Load. All pre-requisites (system profile values) must pre-exist. Customer is responsible for developing/building a client to call the API endpoint (requires authorization). Access Commander will not be able to provide a summary of records inserted and/or updated as a result of API call. We can only answer specific questions regarding the API but are unable to provide any technical assistance.

Note: An Audit Trail is maintained with each record inserted/updated.

Have further questions? Submit an Inquiry ticket for Support and select the most your version of Access Commander available and select HR Data Load as the Category.

Change Log

Last Updated: March 12, 2023
Introducing a newer option and sunsetting an older option 

Last Updated: November 1, 2021
Updated Version Compatibility

Last Updated: May 27, 2021
Updated to include images for the Options available with better descriptions

Last Updated: Nov 3, 2020
Added Nickname as an option to the Data Elements list