Access Commander Environment - SSRS Pre Requisites

The customer is responsible for everything listed here.
MathCraft will not be assisting nor performing any of the pre-requisites below.

All pre-requisites have been met and you don't have a pre-existing enterprise SSRS.

The following steps are to be done directly on the SQL Server Environment Operating System.

SQL Server Reporting Server Configuration Manager

  1. Launch the Report Server Configuration Manager.
  2. Click Connect to connect to the SQL Server Reporting Server.
  3. Click Database from the left Navigation Panel.
  4. Click Change Database and Select Create a New Report Server Database.
  5. Enter the Server Name where you want to deploy the Reporting Database and set the Authentication Type and lastly Test Connection.
  6. Click Next to proceed. Leave the Database inputs as-is and click Next again.
  7. If Credentials apply, enter them or simply click Next to proceed.
  8. Click Next to proceed and complete the process.
  9. Click Change Credentials and ensure it is set as Service Account with the login as NT Service\SQLServerReportingServices.
  10. Click the Apply button to ensure changes are saved.
  11. Click Web Service URL from the left Navigation Panel.
  12. Click the Apply button to proceed with the default configurations.
  13. Click Web Portal URL from the left Navigation Panel.
  14. Click the Apply button to proceed with the default configurations.
  15. Click Service Account from the left Navigation Panel.
  16. Ensure Use Built-In Account is selected.